Purpos/ed: There Has Been Quality Talk, Now is the Time for Quality Action

5673378011 9ebaea18f8 mThe inaugural Purpos/ed Summit for Instigators took place in Sheffield on the 30th April. Doug Belshaw and Andy Kemp did a really great job of gathering a bunch of enthusastic educators from all sorts of backgrounds to this, the first of many face-to-face gatherings.

We all had the chance to listen talks including short 3 x 3 sessions which were snappy and succinct and added further layers of opinion to the growing debate around the purpose of education.

I enjoyed attending and felt encouraged to see the group coming to together so coherently, Andy and Doug clearly have big plans for Purpos/ed and rightly so.

The only thing that disappointed me was the lack of direction we were given to put our efforts into action.

Read more over on the NoTosh site where I explain in more detail about the event.

Pic by Learn4Life