Promptcrafted March 2024

Your essential monthly curated collection of promptcraft techniques, developments in AI, and resources to elevate your AI Literacy.


Discover the future of learning with Promptcrafted – Tom Barrett’s monthly guide to AI developments impacting education. A monthly compilation of the popular weekly newsletter Promptcraft, all about AI for education.

Curated and designed by Tom Barrett, this beautifully crafted collection is the only monthly publication that curates the most relevant and impactful AI developments specifically for educators, saving you time and keeping you at the forefront of this rapidly evolving field.

In the March 2024 edition:

  • 30 top stories curated on key AI trends like generative AI risks, new models, deepfakes in schools, and the future of the workforce
  • 3 prompting tactics to enhance your AI skills, including using Character Design for image generators.
  • 9 diverse resources to provoke deeper thinking on AI climate impacts, AI Literacy resource collections and research into teachers’ AI readiness
  • 3 of Tom’s signature commentaries reflecting on the emergence of AI in education: Lift your gaze; Can Open Source and Education Mix? and a Critique of student chatbots
  • Thought-provoking discussion prompts on Big Tech AI companies; The chatbot that knows too much and So you have saved time. Now what?

Topics Explored:

  • AI disrupting the election process
  • AI Literacy
  • Systematic prejudices in AI models
  • The ecological impact of computation and the cloud
  • Looking beyond the time saving narrative of AI
  • Open source and education
  • The effectiveness of designing student chatbots

About Promptcrafted

Promptcrafted is a beautifully crafted collection of the newsletter, Promptcraft. Designed for every educator to elevate their AI literacy and develop their understanding of what is happening in the world of AI. Stay informed, inspired, and ahead of the curve with this comprehensive resource.

This publication is a digital download and optimised as a PDF.

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