
4013729209 91c6d8f8edDoug Belshaw and Stuart Ridout were instrumental in the production of the fantastic #movemeon book,

“Tips, ideas and suggestions for all teachers from the Twitter community.”

The book was created from the tweets of fellow Twitter users, all collated with the #movemeon hashtag.

Another effort was soon started after this one titled #newleaders. I will soon be one of these new leaders and so this week I asked Stuart Ridout if we could give it a fresh look.

The tag has gained momentum over the last few days with hundreds of tips and ideas suggested about school leadership.

You can see all the tweets here at TwapperKeeper.

For the first book it took over 300 individual ideas, tweeted with the tag, to produce the book.

This is the edu-Twitter community press!

Crowd-sourcing the sort of professional development advice we need. The power of this sort of advice is in the origin: our peers.

I have no doubt that in time other topics will emerge we can contribute to. If each of us makes a single 140 character contribution we can achieve so much together as a community.

Please help with this new book by writing a tweet with your leadership advice and don’t forget the hashtag…


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