Welcome to edte.ch

edtechThanks for joining me here in the new home for my blog!

Over the last 3 years writing about my ideas and experiences of implementing technology in the classroom has been really important to me. The conversations and connections I have made via my blog have been fantastic and I truly value you reading, commenting and thinking about what I write.

Although this is a fresh start – I still intend to use it as a space for sounding out my ideas and sharing how I use educational technology. Here are some of things I would love for you to check out:


  • Interesting Ways – a home for all of the Interesting Ways to Use series of presentations.
  • Presenting – details about ways I might be able to help you or your school.
  • Writing+Courses – a record of the projects keeping me out of mischief.
  • Contact – track me down.

Featured Content

I hope you like the scrolling Featured Content banner at the top of the page. I have always struggled to find ways to highlight useful posts from the past. Some of the Google Docs work that is still relevant is over 2 years old. The banner displays 5 random posts from any category I set. I have set aside a “featured” category and added almost 50 blog posts I think are still useful.

Sidebar Widget

Make sure you check out the little sidebar widget goodness that helps to display the slimmed down CATEGORIES, TAGS, ARCHIVE, POPULAR POSTS and RECENT COMMENTS.

Most of all please make sure you update your RSS readers if you want to keep up with my posts.

As always I would love to hear from you – please let me know what you make of the new blog . If there is anything amiss then let me know, as Doug Belshaw says it is in “perpetual beta” and I have enjoyed the tinkering so far.