I have been thinking and writing about the use of Google tools within the classroom for a while and so I thought I would record some ideas for improvements that have been buzzing around in my head. Although I use the tools personally, the improvements are to do with the use Docs and Apps in general within the classroom, how they affect a teacher’s organisation, the ways that children interact with the tools, missing tools and other possibilities.

  1. Ad-free Blogger accounts as a service within Ed Apps – a blogging platform as part of the overall Ed Apps services would provide an easy way to generate blogging accounts. It would allow children to use just a single login to access docs, gmail and their blog. Along with this the children should be able to click publish to blog from within a doc – sending their work to their own blog.
  2. Integration of Google Notebook in Ed Apps – one of the most powerful tools Google has developed. It certainly has a great deal of unexplored potential within the classroom and is notable by it’s absence. If I were to ask children to research together online this is the tool I would use as a first step, not Docs – they would export their notes to Docs and not work there until research has been gathered. Why use Docs when you can work in an application fit for purpose? Some previous thoughts on Google Notebook and it being missing from Ed Apps.
  3. Grab a copy / Templates – a simple link for each Doc that allows you to get your own copy without the collaborators. The ability to create a template out of any Doc. In the past when I want a whole class of children to work on a certain document and for them to have their own copy I would use a MS Word Template. The children would open it and they would have their own copy – the process is trickier in Docs because it often leads to duplicated documents everywhere when the children click “Include the Collaborators”! Imagine this times 30! 60! Templates are already in use and soo we will be able to make our own, and I hope to be taking advantage of this new feature to hand out work soon.
  4. Audio support for docs – marking work could be very different if a teacher could add a simple audio comment. Along with the different ways to mark text a simple audio file would surmount to a much greater personal style of marking. Children could respond in kind regarding the comments you have made via audio. We would not just be repeating what we do on paper but changing it, challenging it, reinventing it.
  5. View Filter signal – a way to signal to a user the different type of filter currently being used in the Docs home page. Many children think that they have lost documents because they are unaware of the current view. They may have clicked on a folder or on a type of doc filter, without it being made very clear – perhaps something next to the More Actions button on the top bar in the Docs home.
  6. Not just “Shared With” but “Shared By” – when the children hand me a document, a piece of work that they have completed they share it with me and it appears in my Docs home list. It would be very useful to be able to filter the Docs owned by different children in my class. I could then compare a variety of Docs from the same child, perhaps a series of pieces of work or a collection for a single unit. Even better, for portfolios, would be the ability to then export multiple docs at once – two clicks and you have exported all of the child’s docs.
  7. Remove the flicker – when you are working with someone else’s document and it autosaves your screen flicks up to the top. Annoying and the children found it a little off putting when in the midst of writing.
  8. Add chat feature into Docs – it’s there in Spreadsheets and when you view a Presentation – children are very motivated by IM and it would prove a useful feature within Docs.
  9. Archiveable chat – a great feature currently available in Spreadsheets and Presentations but nothing can be archived – it would be useful if this was tied into Google Chat/Email chat (archived their) the chat could be archived for the owner of the document. As a teacher I would like to be able to export it into a Doc as a permanent record of the discourse. We have used it here and here to good effect to support learning going on in the classroom, its just a shame we currently cannot archive it.
  10. Export Form data to different Docs – we can get a simple summary of the form data and I am aware that this will soon have a wider range of features including different graph and chart types, but it would be very useful to also be able to export some or all of the summary to a new doc/presentation/ssheet. After all once data has been collected we want to analyse, discuss and present that information.
  11. Gears as a local backup for Docs – in an ideal world my students should be able to access their Google Docs on a local level even if the internet has gone down, just as you can with Google Gears on a private account. No internet = no Google Docs, and although we had only about 2 days of troubles last year with our internet connection it would be useful to have our eggs in more than one basket.

In my opinion the two most important changes would be the inclusion of Google Notebook as it is a lovely little research application and the support of audio within Document commenting. (And of course a platform for blogging as part of the Ed Apps package would also be great)

What do you think of the list? What would you like to see altered, changed, developed or improved that would make a difference in the classroom?


  1. Hi Tom, great and helpful article. Just a comment about your first suggested improvement, the blogging platform: In the absence of this feature, I have found using the “announcements” option within the Google Sites’ “Create New Page” tab can create a basic blogging tool. Here’s an example of what I mean. http://sites.google.com/a/rism.ac.th/mr-steve-s-teacher-blog/. The simplicity of this might be an even better solution than a full Blogger account.

  2. I agree that Notebook is a must. It’s such a fabulous research tool. I also love the idea of audio comments for Docs. It would be nice to leave some words of encouragement for students in a way that is more personal than just a comment within a document. Certainly Get a Copy Templates would make my life easier and chat within Docs would be much easier that having to toggle between gmail chat and Docs. Outstanding suggestions!

  3. I’d agree with all of these Tom, although for me the Notebook would probably be at the top of the list.
    It looks as though the Start Page may have been fixed, we had to switch it off due to some inappropriate content being available, but I haven’t gone back to have another look yet.
    The only other thing I’d love to see from an admin point of view would be levels of access, where I could staff access to the Start Page for example, but not students.
    That and the option to bulk delete. It looks like I’m going to have to find someone to manually remove 500 accounts next week!

  4. Google Reader should be a must. RSS would be such a shoe-in skill taught within the same suite.

    Also, make all Docs, Spreadsheets, and Presentations publishable in the same manner (to ease instruction of students and teachers).

    It would be nice to have a student plug in for the admin to allow Gaggle-type of email monitoring for student accounts. I think schools would be more apt to utilize it with students.

    My final addition (for now) would be to have a link to use the available Gmail unused storage space as an online HD. Linking outside of it would not be feasible, but just hainv gone place to put things that do not fit inside the Google Docs options would be cool. Might even allow districts to move away from Active Directory (which we are working on doing).

  5. Totally agree with you about Google Notebook Tom. I think it’s the untapped resource that teachers should be using with their kids at the start of any research project. A great list. You really are doing a wonderful job for educators everywhere. I hope the Google team sit up and take notice.

  6. My suggestion was going to be chat in docs as well, and they I saw you already had it. It would be awesome to be able to chat with my students while they were working and suggest improvement, etc. I would like to be able to use html codes in google sites and presentations. I have had real problems embedding anything not “google” such as gcast mp3’s and audio into sites. At the last GTA we requested chat ability in docs so maybe we will have it soon 🙂

  7. Another addition I’d like to see is the ability to create an educational group outside of a formal institutional setting. Allowing tutors, for example, to set up Google Apps for their students. This could be a tremendous help for tutors who only see their students in-person once a week. In my own case, I’d like to be able to set up Google Apps for my children to facilitate our homeschooling, and also for writing classes that I teach to groups outside of my home. My only option right now is to establish us as a “small business.”

  8. I haven’t used the docs sharing with students, but I have with other colleagues so I cant comment on these but I do really agree with the last four points. Google form and sheet is used quite a bit by my classes and will be used increasingly so. You do some fabulous work with google.

  9. Interestingly, when I googled ‘google docs google gears’ just now there was a Sponsored Link from Google on the right-hand side. It said it linked to the Google support page showing how to access Google Docs offline. However, when I clicked on it, a page appeared saying:

    This page is no longer available. Please browse or search for your issue in our Help Center.

    As some people have already had ‘experimental’ access earlier this year, it can’t be long… 🙂

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