9 Creative Strategies for Thinking Obliquely

In “The Rules of Genius, Rule #9: Approach answers obliquely“, Marty Neumeier outlines a range of thinking strategies (in the italicised sections below) to explore a challenge in new ways. These strategies are always great to have in your toolkit when exploring a period of enquiry with children or adults.

In an effort to build on Neumeier’s thinking and develop something new, I have expanded on the various steps he has outlined with some additional thoughts and links to help you approach your own creative exploration in a holistic way and to think obliquely.

Note: I have created a handy little graphic from all of these great strategies you can download it here for free.

(1) Think in metaphors

A metaphor is a link between two dissimilar things: “The world is a stage.” By equating the world with a stage, you can more easily imagine that we’re all actors playing a part an insight you might not have had without the metaphor.

There are some great further ideas on this post about metaphorical thinking:

When you use a metaphor to link two ideas together, you are combining elements that have little or no logical connection. By breaking the rules of logic in this way, metaphors can open up the creative side of the brain – the part that is stimulated by images, ideas, and concepts. So metaphorical thinking can help you with creative problem solving: To use another famous metaphor, it helps you “think outside the box”.

(2) Think in pictures

Visual thinking can strip a problem down to its essence, leading to profoundly simple connections that language by itself can’t make. The ability to draw stick figures, arrows, and talk balloons is all you need to think visually.

Visualising your ideas in a simple way is a strategy we regularly use when working with groups. We encourage them to draw their initial idea on a post-it note and share it quickly with a colleague. 

This quick sketch and share, precludes us from investing too deeply in a given idea and does force us to be open to hearing how to make it better from our peers – as we don’t have all the answers, and our idea is only roughly formed we are more likely to be open to advice.

Take a look at this introduction to the “Basics of Visual Note-taking” for some other info.

You could also follow the “5 Sketching Secrets of Leonardo Da Vinci“: Look for new combinations; Engage your imagination; Collaborate with others when you sketch; Use annotations in your sketches; Sketch your ideas out 4-5 times.

(3) Start from a different place

When you grab for the “correct” solution, brilliant solutions will elude you. You’ll get stuck in the tar pits of knowledge, unable to free your mind of what you already know. The easiest way to escape this trap is by rejecting the correct solution—at least temporarily—in favor of the “wrong” solution. While the worst idea can never be the best idea, it will take your imagination to a different starting place.

Typically when we are exploring new solutions we have an invisible filter that is usually marked “safe”. Even with encouragement it is very hard to break that safe set and come up with a new set of ideas beyond the realms of feasibility. We rarely spend time in this fanciful place and so find it very difficult.

But coming up with your 5 Worst Ideas to solve a problem is a great way to let the pressures go a little, it often leads to lots of laughs and by inverting some of those negative elements there is often a kernel of something great there. Some nice little activity steps in this post about it.

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(4) Steal from other domains

If you steal an idea cleverly enough, the theft will go unnoticed. While stealing is not the same as pure imagination, it does take a mental leap to see how an idea from one industry or discipline could be adapted to another.

One of my favourite stories that illustrates this method is from the reform work that occurred at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital in London.

Recognising the similarities with the handover disciplines (in emergency care) visible in the pit of a Formula One racing team, they invited the McLaren and Ferrari racing teams to work with them to examine how their processes could be more structured and effective.  They went out to the pits of the British Grand Prix, met Ferrari’s technical managers at their base in Italy and invited some of them to come and observe their handovers at Great Ormond Street…The input of the Formula One pit technicians resulted in a major restructuring of their patient handover from theatre to the ICU.

It is a fine example of a group being able to see beyond their own discipline in order to seek out innovative ways to solve existing challenges.

(5) Arrange blind dates

Great ideas are often two ideas that haven’t previously been introduced. Using a technique called “combinatory play,” you can throw unrelated ideas together to see if the create a new idea. Look for combinations that have a natural fit.

Maria Popova shares a post on Brain Pickings about the elemental work of combinatory play in the creative process, of course referring to Einstein’s take on it: “Combinatory play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought.” However Popova shares a lovely introduction to the concept herself:

For as long as I can remember — and certainly long before I had the term for it — I’ve believed that creativity is combinatorial: Alive and awake to the world, we amass a collection of cross-disciplinary building blocks — knowledge, memories, bits of information, sparks of inspiration, and other existing ideas — that we then combine and recombine, mostly unconsciously, into something “new.” From this vast and cross-disciplinary mental pool of resources beckons the infrastructure of what we call our “own” “original” ideas.

(6) Reverse the Polarity

Write down as many assumptions about the problem as you can think of. Reverse them. Think about what it would take to make the reversed assumption true. Some of these may lead to new ideas.

Assumptions are often the baggage that we bring along on a journey of change. The way things have always been “done” has a powerful influence on the decisions we make and indeed the ambition we often hold for change. With too much room they can stultify organisational change.

When I am working in education there are many assumptions being made because the challenges we face are often deeply complex and involve different people. We need to be open enough to Name them and Challenge them.

Human nature is such that when we assume we know how to do something, we perform the act without much thought about the assumptions we make. History is replete with thousands of examples of what happens when people don’t challenge assumptions.

This is taken from What Monkeys Teach Us about the Assumptions We Make, by Michael Michalko the author of Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative Thinking Techniques. Make sure you explore the post and read the great story of where assumptive practice can blindly lead us.

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(7) Ask simple questions

What else is this like? Who else believes this? What if I changed it slightly? What can I eliminate? What can I substitute? Is this the cause or the effect? What if I changed the timing? What if I made it bigger? What would happen if I did nothing?

No doubt this is linked with our ability to challenge those assumptions we hold, asking questions is, in my humble opinion, the pre-cursor to any creative process, rarely are they missing.

We could look to people like Da Vinci for his insatiable curious mindset that set him apart from his peers. Also you should look at the work of Eleanor Duckworth and her work on “Critical Explorers” which encourages us to use simple questioning to get out of the way of children’s thinking.

Additionally I would highly recommend reading Alex Quigley posts about questioning in the classroom, this popular post on strategies will help with the practical side of things. Furthermore his blog post: “‘Question Time’ and Asking ‘Why’” is an,

exploration of one of the simplest, but most fundamental, aspects of how students learn and how students display their learning in lessons: higher order questioning. It is simply about getting students to ask ‘why‘ and an exploration of the crucial value of such deep questioning.

(8) Watch for accidents

You can sometimes make the best discoveries when you’re searching for something else. Pay attention to anomalies, surprises, or feedback that confounds your expectations. These can open up exciting new areas of inquiry.

In this lovely exploration of accidental discovery in science on Brain Pickings, Alan Gregg is quoted:

One wonders whether the rare ability to be completely attentive to and to profit by, Nature’s slightest deviation from the conduct expected of her is not the secret of the best research minds and one that explains why some men turn to most remarkably good advantage seemingly trivial accidents. Behind such attention lies an unremitting sensitivity.

(9) Write things down

Not all your ideas will be worthwhile, but they might trigger new ideas. Make a list of your thoughts as you work through any problem. Keep a notebook, a sketchbook, a scrapbook, or an idea file. A pencil can be a crowbar for lifting ideas from your subconscious.

I like that description from Neumeier of the pencil being an idea-crowbar. In this particular field, Da Vinci has set us some incredible precedent as explored earlier.

Thomas Alva Edison has much to offer as well in this particular note-taking technique. In this post exploring Edison’s creative process in further detail it suggests that historians have discovered over 3500 detailed notebook belonging to him. In those books there is over four million pages of idea, sketches and notes he made.

What is immediately apparent is that Edison’s mind wandered through a vast spectrum of unrelated projects in an apparent free flow of associations. This is a critical point to understand. The mind grows through the number of connections it can make. Genius finds relationships between the most diverse things….Frequently, one of Edison’s inventions would spawn another in an unrelated field, which in turn would give rise to another in a different area of interest. It’s as though by pushing, experimenting and thinking in one direction, Edison simultaneously benefitted in all the other projects that he was working on. This points to the concept of the holographic mind. Affect one part and you affect all the parts. Nothing is wasted.

Whether we are exploring a period of curriculum enquiry with our class, tackling a challenge in our organisation or embarking upon a period of creative development, our thinking and the tools we use to do it, need to offer us as much breadth as possible. Typically we need to be able to see complex themes or challenges from as many different angles as we can.

Taking this type of multi faceted thinking strategy not only provides us a more comprehensive creative approach, it gives us all the best possible chance to break new ground and reveal opportunities that have yet to be discovered.

FREE Bonus Thinking Divergently Resource

My Thinking Divergently resource summarises these approaches in a useful little graphic format.

Download your copy of the resource by subscribing to my small but perfectly formed newsletter, the Dialogic Learning Weekly – ideas and insight about Innovation, Leadership and Learning.

Photos by Karol Kasanicky / Devin Avery / chuttersnap on Unsplash

Challenge, Instinct and Resilience

My first week in my new post as Deputy Head Teacher has probably been the most challenging five days of my career. Unfortunately I cannot be as candid about my experiences as I normally would be, due to a number of reasons, including some legal ones. Let’s just say “a baptism of fire” would be an understatement.

The week has been all about firsts. When you are starting somewhere new, everything you do will be for the first time. Learning about the routines for assembly, end of playtime, dinner routines, seeing behaviour policies in action, dealing with incidents. When you are thrust into situations where you are a little unsure or even completely unsure, it is a huge challenge.

Carrying something to write on has really helped as things to do, information and names have come thick and fast. I have also punctuated so much of my work with a smile, a joke to lighten the air with colleagues.

Strangely enough I have walked away from the last 5 days with a better understanding of myself, my resilience and ability to adapt. I understand the importance of my open mindedness and have a clearer appreciation for the inner strength you need to stray way beyond your comfort zone.

I have learned that you cannot plan for every outcome in certain situations and that sometimes you learn a lot more about people and yourself when all you are able to do is react. No time to think, just react. With everything stripped away, you are just left with your professional instincts.

This week I have learned that I can be visibly calm under intense pressure and the impact this has on those looking to me to lead. In fact I have surprised myself with my ability to think with clarity when pressed, it hasn’t been an act, but simply how I approached situations this week.

No other 5 day stretch has ever examined and pressurised my professional facets as those just gone.

I know for certain that I am lucky to be part of an amazing staff, a fantastic group of professionals who have supported and helped me through a tough week. I am very grateful to them for that. It is a week to be included in the memoirs one day.

Photo by Markus Spiske

80+ Google Forms Templates for the Classroom – Download Your Copies

Google Forms is an excellent tool for the classroom, and this collection of Google Forms Templates from 2008 has always proven popular. I hope you continue to be inspired by the ideas here.

I have created example forms for each of the different topics, follow the links in each of the ten sections.

Google Forms

1 ) Get to know your class with this Google Forms Template

Use this form to gather some indication from your new class about their likes and dislikes, their favourite lessons or after school clubs they enjoy. It will help you to build your relationships with children as you quickly learn more about them. Get your copy.

2 ) Emotion graph

An emotion graph is a simple line graph comparing a range of happiness to sadness against different points (time) in a story or film. Graphing the emotional ups and down within a story helps children visualise the whole story differently.

Use a Google Form to gather the children’s responses to different parts of any linear narrative, written or visual. We used it here in a film narrative literacy unit. You can read a more detailed explanation of how to generate the line graph from the form here. Get your copy.

3 ) Spelling test

For your weekly spelling test, use a simple 1-10 or 1-20 numbered Google Forms Templates (with a name question too, of course) and ask the children to type in their answers as you read out the list of words. Once these are submitted, apply a formula to judge if they are correct or not, and it becomes self-marking.

Steve Kirkpatrick had this brainwave a while back, so check out his excellent post for more information about setting up the spreadsheet. Danny also added in his comment that using the font Wingdings for smiley faces is an excellent idea, although this font is not available in Google Spreadsheets. Get your copy.

4 ) Comprehension questions

I spent quite a bit of time exploring reading comprehension resources for a class set of laptops. We could create a Google Form to collate the children’s comprehension answers in one place for any given text. You could also share the answers with the class to review what their peers are doing.

This could be a formalised assessment of their understanding of a text or something more informal to start class discussions. Again Steve has grabbed this idea by the horns and tried it with his kids – well worth a look, especially at his thoughtful comments and lessons learned. Get your copy.

5 ) Weekly reading record

The children in our school have a reading diary to record information about times that they read during the week. They take it home as well as using it at school. A form could be created by the children as a place to enter data about their reading.

I hear “I haven’t got my reading diary” so many times during the year; this way, they have no excuses and can access it from any computer. Alternatively, you could also set up a class form to gather together everyone’s records. Get your copy.

6 ) Maths data handling

Perhaps the easiest to pick up and run with, the idea of using a form to gather together maths data handling information. The form could be a simple way of collecting information about the class – shoe size, eye colour etc.

It is obviously about what you do with the data that counts. Still, there is no reason why children couldn’t design and implement their forms – with the attached spreadsheet for analysis – as part of independent data investigations. Get your copy.

7 ) Guided reading record

As part of the old literacy hour in England, we participate in small, focused group reading sessions. They have guided sessions usually 15-20 minutes long, and we talk and work on a piece of text that is relevant to the work going on in that unit.

Sometimes small written tasks are completed, or it may just be a speaking and listening activity. It is widely practised in English primary schools, and this form could act as a class record for those sessions. Get your copy.

8 ) Google Forms Templates to check for prior learning

Use a form to assess what the children already know about any given topic that you are beginning. The form could be a formalised assessment with specific questions about the subject, or it could be more general and open for the children to explain what they know.

Either way, such an assessment would allow you to understand better the current level of knowledge the children have about a topic. Students could return this same form at the end of the unit of work to help review what they have learned. Get your copy.

9 ) Library book review

We have a little corner of our classroom dedicated to our library. There is a broad range of fiction and non-fiction books for the children to enjoy whenever they want.

This form could be a simple way of collecting children’s thoughts about what they read. The children in the class could use it as a reference to help them choose a book to read—a simple and easy way to collate book reviews. Get your copy.

10 ) Learning success

This is one of the ten ideas I would most like to explore this year as we continue to use Google Docs as part of our tech toolbox. Use a form to assess the relative success of learning during a single lesson or after a topic. Invite the children to evaluate their confidence after practising a lesson on one of the written multiplication methods.

The form would collate the views of all of the class very quickly and allow you to make a quick judgment in terms of pupil feedback about whether to consolidate what has taken place, start afresh, or move on. We make our learning targets for the lesson so clear these days, along with work scrutiny, dialogue with the students; a generic student response form would allow you to judge the lesson’s success further.

This is very much dependant on the quick and easy availability of a computer in the classroom – this, after all, should be a small 2-minute task as part of a plenary. If the lesson involves using the computers, then that is easier – but if it does not, perhaps a handful is scattered at the side of the room for students to go to at the end of the task or as directed.

Of course, the students completing such a form as if it were second nature to them would be what you aim for – so the laptop, form and technology disappear, and you are left with a lucid evaluation from your students. Get your copy.

I hope that you have found Google Forms Templates to inspire you here, or perhaps you can use these straight away. If you have not had time to explore Google Forms, it is most definitely worth a look; if you have time, drop me a note saying how you got on with your ideas.

FREE Infographic of the Google Forms Templates – great for sharing with you team!

Download your copy of the resource by subscribing to my small but perfectly formed newsletter, the Dialogic Learning Weekly – ideas and insight about Innovation, Leadership and Learning.

More Ideas

Here are more than 70 different ideas to keep you going.

How to Create an Emotion Graph using Google Forms

This idea was one that popped into my head at about 3am. After George, my 2 year old son, woke us and I had settled him again, I began thinking about Google forms (as you do at 3am – what better time to be thinking about that subject!!) and the current work we are doing on film narrative and The Piano by Aidan Gibbons. Take a look at the film for yourselves.

What is an emotion graph?

An emotion graph is a simple line graph comparing a range of happiness to sadness against different points (time) in a story or film. This technique of graphing the emotional ups and down within a story really helps children to visualise the whole story in a different way. Once the graphs are complete they can be discussed in reference to the different peaks and troughs of emotion. “Why is the main protagonist so upset at this point on the graph, what has happened?”, “In which part of the story is he the happiest?”

The graph can reflect the events in any type of linear narrative, whether that be a book or film – it could even reflect the varying emotions within an event such as a football match.

As you can see the whole plot in one graph it is useful to engage the children in conversations about the structure of the plot and the way that the emotions are tied into generic story elements such as problems, conflicts and resolutions.


The children in my class really enjoyed watching The Piano today as we began our film narrative unit. One of the children said that the main character was playing his emotions on the piano, they were the notes of his life. Such a lovely turn of phrase. The Piano is an excellent text to explore in terms of an emotional graph as each of his memories linger, bringing joy and sadness into his life again.

Step by Step – make the form

  1. Create a new Google form
  2. Add a new question for each of the different events that you would like to gauge the emotions for. Because the film is only two and half minutes long I have chosen about ten or eleven events.
  3. Select “Choose from a Scale” question type and add the numbers 0 – 10. For each question, I added a reminder about the emotional scale from sad (0) to joyous (10) as some additional text. I found it really easy to generate one question and then just duplicate it using the link, and just edit what the event is.

Step by Step – create the emotion graph

Your form is complete and now you just need to add the line graph itself to the linked spreadsheet. You will see in your spreadsheet that the header (top) row is filled in with the different events from left to right.

  1. Under each column heading add the average =AVERAGE(Range) formula for the cells below, say down to 100 cells below. This will average out the different responses from your form and return a single figure. Don’t worry the survey results should always be added below your average row. I like to add the “Rounded” formatting to these cells as well.
  2. Select these average figures
  3. Click the “Insert Chart” tool and create a line graph from this data. (These average cells could also be hidden, select the row from the left and click hide row) Find some more detailed steps to making a chart here.
  4. Place the chart to the right of your data or embed within a blog post somewhere, and enlarge it so that it is clearly visible.

I will be emailing the emotion graphing form to all of our Year 5s and getting them to complete the form (from within the email) alongside watching the film again. We will then be reviewing the responses and how the emotions vary throughout the text. I will be encouraging them to justify their responses and decisions with supporting evidence from the film.

Now it is your turn to complete the emotion graphing survey that I have referred to – watch the film again, if you haven’t already, and answer the survey. The code for embedding a form is available when you click “Edit/Resend Form” and then it is under the “Preview and Send” link.

Screenshot 16

You will see that I have published the graph which can be done from within the graph drop down menu.

Let me know what you make of this idea and whether it was worth a sleepless early morning!

  • How can you use this idea in your own narrative or literacy unit?
  • Have you used emotion graphs? (I know there is an option with Turning Point voting systems to do something similar which I have used in the past)
  • How have you used them?
  • How else have you used Google forms in the classroom?