Flickr notes tool

Strangely enough I only discovered this very useful little tool of Flickrs yesterday. Adding notes is far more visual than I imagined – I suppose it was a bit daft of me to miss it. But nevertheless this morning I decided to use ti with the children in my Year 6 class and we revised some maths we have been doing. I scanned a good example of the grid method for multiplication and then simply labelled what we saw, this really helped to consolidate the different features. Check it our here.

Such a simple tool – I must make more of it.

Google spell check for forms

It is great when a child teaches you something new! Right in the middle of the blogging lesson and after I had said that there is no way of spell checking your work when writing a post – a girl in my class tells me a solution!

Google toolbar spell checker!

Works a charm – click on the ABC icon and this switches on the spell checker. (Using Internet Explorer) Words in the form you are working in are highlighted and underlined in red if they are incorrectly spelled. Choosing such a word gives a little drop down list of possible alternatives – take your choice and the replaced word is underlined and coloured in green. Then click the ABC button again to switch it off. Simple.

google toolbar

There seems to be an AUTOFIX option too which I will explore.

Isn’t it great when our own knowledge is extended by those we are teaching.

Windows Live Local

Just thought I would quickly update about this as the second Year 6 class took this lesson with a colleague today as we were blogging. I had planned to use an online mapping tool to do some preliminary local history work. The lesson turned out to uncover an interesting gem of an idea!


When exploring whether the site would work OK in our computer suite I found out that a single login could be used by multiple users and worked shared really easily. So using such a single login children opened up a COLLECTION that I had previously made that included some simple placemarks or PUSHPINs – our school, the allotment, ASDA across the road. Their simple job was to explore the imagery of the local area and add a PUSHPIN of a place relevant to them. Just about everyone added their house – but some even added their Auntie’s shop! When you click PROPERTIES and SAVE the COLLECTION is shared but work is not overwritten. So it basically creates a class resource of placemarks that you can look at together later. As I wasn’t teaching i don’t know whether this updated when you clicked save or if the list of placemarks remained the same – but with your changes.

I am now going to investigate whether the placemarks can be organised and moved about.