Blogging in a lesson

After a good week of blogging I am planning on developing some blog writing rules with the class before I let them loose on writing their own posts. This will hopefully set a few boundaries and guidelines before we start and should build in good habits early on. I will use M Hetherington’s work with his class as a starting point but I think that asking the children to help author the rules (as we do with the class rules) would be the most valuable.

Tomorrow in an ICT lesson I am planning on setting them a task via our class blog about adding a post and a comment. This is after using their unique login details which I have setup so that they have the ability to post etc. I used an excel file and mail merge to quickly create these. Hopefully it should be a good session.

Classroom blogging

So we have really started our bloggin’ great adventure as we have had posts and had them commented on by people who don’t know us! Exciting! The children have also added comments – well just one so far and I haven’t even sent out the address yet! We added some photos yesterday which is very easy – but the quality of them is very poor. So I have created a class Flickr account so that we can access better quality pictures.

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We did some work in science today using the digital microscope and so I am going to post about what we did and ask the children to comment. Updated Wiki with this too. There are also photographs of some of the children’s box of achievement items that have been brought in for RE.

A new class – a new technology

It is strange talking to children about something that they have no previous concept of. We are so used to saying “you will remember when” or “you should know this”, so telliing my class about blogging and our class blog was something completely new. Many of the children surprisingly had their own website and used MSN a great deal but nobody had heard of a blog.

Anyway it was our first day back and after a bit of “getting to know you” we spent some time exploring John’s class blog at Sandaig and looking at the empty space that is ours! (well I had popped something on to get us started) The children seemed really interested and keen to start.

So as a first activity they worked on what they think would be some good class rules and then we shared our ideas in SMART Notebook and decided upon the most positive and important to us. Then I just quickly showed them how to blog this as an entry, really quick and simple. They enjoyed seeing their rules published on the blog and John has already commented on it, which I know they will enjoy reading tomorrow – lets hope many more people will comment as I think many are not totally convinced there are millions of possible readers – well maybe!

I think that for the rest of the week we will post work together and explore some safety guidelines – I think we will create some BLOG rules too. I spotted MHetherington’s blog for some ideas for this.

Past Posts

Well I think that I should really talk about some of the ideas I have had in the past. They have never been written down anywhere and anything that was worthy was just done or resources just made. So please excuse the post-dating of some entries.