EdTechRoundup – 15 Days of Google Answers

google logo 60whtA little while back the EdTechRoundup team had the wonderful opportunity of interviewing the Google Applications Edu Team in the UK. We asked our networks, via the blog, wiki and Twitter, to contribute their questions.

Over at the EdTechRoundup blog the serialised answers are being published, as the title suggests, one per day. Please take some time to head on over and read the three responses so far and if you had submitted a question perhaps yours will be up next.

We would particularly appreciate any comments left there that continue the debate, as I know the Google team are watching!

EdTechRoundUp Podcast – Episode 2

edtechroundup logoI am pleased to announce the second of our EdTechRoundup podcasts is available for you to listen to. In this episode yours truly is at the helm alongside John Johnston. It was a great fun making the show and I was delighted to be working with John as he was instrumental in getting this blog off the ground in the early days.

In the ICT Buffet we explain about a range of current projects we are involved in with our classes. We discuss Voices of The World, Tumblr and the ManyVoices Twitter writing project.

John and I spend some time exploring the ways that we are using Google tools in our classroom and I explain how we have collaborated on a Google spreadsheet together. John explains how he is using digital still cameras to create small videos as a way to create a record of learning in science investigations.

View the shownotes on del.icio.us

I hope that you can find the time to listen – all of your feedback, thoughts and comments are always much appreciated.