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Att-NonCo-NoDerivs Lic

I have 5 weeks left at my current school and then I will be moving on to my new appointment as Deputy Head at John Davies Primary School. It is an exciting time for me and I am looking forward to the challenge of establishing my role in a new school.

Recently I visited for the first time since the interview and had the opportunity to talk to Steve Bowler, the Headteacher, about future plans for developing a modern, relevant curriculum for the children at the school. It will be very exciting to work with the staff and children in exploring this and I hope to use my experiences of new topic planning we have done this year.

In my new post there is greater expectation for me to lead the school. This is the opportunity that I have been looking for over the last two years. One challenge for me is to crystallise my ideas in terms of how technology can enhance and transform teaching and learning. But my first job will be to establish positive relationships within the school and the wider community.

I feel lucky to have this space to be able to reflect on what will occur over the next 6 months, consequently edte.ch will begin to spread it’s wings to include posts about leadership and the role technology can play across a wider school community.


  1. I look forward to reading what you think of your new role. I just took a similar role this year and though it is rewarding at times, it is also frustrating at times. In my own classroom I had almost total control and could introduce and integrate any technology I wanted to. But now, I have no power and can only show, suggest, and support. Most of the teachers do not see technology as a powerful tool, but rather “one more thing” they have to do. Maybe you could throw out a topic on Twitter gathering suggestions on how to change the way teachers view technology. How can we get them to love it the same was we do? There are many days I wish I were back in my classroom, but I know I can do more good where I am.

  2. Enjoy the time you have left at your present school and make the best of it. The talent that you will bring to your new school will be sorely missed by the previous. I'll look forward to hearing about the changes you bring.

  3. Good luck! I too look forward to your reflections. Being a Deputy Principal, I find it very rewarding working with staff and students. I really enjoy helping others in their work. It is a great position to be in!

  4. Wow. Only 5 weeks left. Enjoy it, and I have enjoyed reading what you have done in the classroom over the past few weeks since I found your blog. I look forward to reading the expanded topics of this blog as you grow into your new position. Keep up the good ideas for us classroom teachers too.

  5. Given that I've recently been asked to take on the role of Acting Head (to cover Head's maternity) I'll be interested to see what you make of your new role. Good Luck.

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