I am not with my son anymore. The last time I was here in Sydney I was with George. It was the final few weeks of his time in Year 6, last year, and I brought him on a work trip.

We had some great father-son time together and he got out into the world!

This is my first trip of 2018, I have been working in Melbourne over the last few weeks so that I could be around, as he settles into a new pattern of life and learning at high school. More on that in future posts.

It is always tough being away from home. Travelling for work has no silver lining.

The only sliver of a glint of a glimpse of such decadent lining is in the relationships and friendships I have with the people I work with in Sydney. Friends and colleagues who make me welcome and who know my family are not far from my thoughts.

It is no real surprise that relationships are at the centre of so much great learning in our schools. It is the very same for my work. I have been working with schools in Sydney, and especially in the Catholic Diocese, in different ways for nearly 6 or 7 years.

Long standing partnerships and friendships are the foundations for my work.

How is your work different when you are collaborating with colleagues and friends you have known for a long time?

How does familiarity breed higher quality?


Photo by Daniel Jacobs on Unsplash

[No I didn’t know where I was going with this blog post either – I just started typing and this is what was in my keyboard]

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