Is that really a nomination…

As long as my tired eyes are not deceiving me I spotted that my “Classroom Google Earth” wikispace has been nominated in the Best Wiki 2006 in the Edublog awards!

How mad is that!

I feel honoured to be included and that someone even nominated the space – I hope that you can take a minute to vote, I have done so at least I have one!! 😉

(Updated the broken vote link thanks)

I will have to clear some room on my virtual mantlepiece! 🙂

How rude of me – these are the other nominees (who incidentally are far more worthy of the award)

Searching for a new look…

Ever since the new update from Edublogs the theme I have been using no longer shows me the buttons and links I have previously added and been able to use.

So I am looking for a new theme – and slightly intrigued to find out if I can change more about the look and feel of my edublog than I currently do. I know that Joseph has added a few bits and pieces to his, like clustr maps.

Ideas Ideas Ideas…

When I get an idea and I know I want to post about it here – I just write a Title for it and save it as a draft. Now for some reason this whole web 2.0 thing seems to be making me generate more ideas than I currently have time to write about. But in the past they would be lost amongst my grey matter or on some scrappy bit of paper, now they are here…there are enough now even to post about them, my drafts currently look like this…

Your Drafts: Sketchup + WW2 Shelters, Google Gadgets in class, Got to get me some of those…, Science and Editgrids, My Handwriting, Differentiate with EditGrids, Audio Settings, iTunes and Maths, Bubblr + Quikmaps .

Mmm maybe if I stopped writing about this and started writing about some of the above…

Google spell check for forms

It is great when a child teaches you something new! Right in the middle of the blogging lesson and after I had said that there is no way of spell checking your work when writing a post – a girl in my class tells me a solution!

Google toolbar spell checker!

Works a charm – click on the ABC icon and this switches on the spell checker. (Using Internet Explorer) Words in the form you are working in are highlighted and underlined in red if they are incorrectly spelled. Choosing such a word gives a little drop down list of possible alternatives – take your choice and the replaced word is underlined and coloured in green. Then click the ABC button again to switch it off. Simple.

google toolbar

There seems to be an AUTOFIX option too which I will explore.

Isn’t it great when our own knowledge is extended by those we are teaching.

A fantastic day's blogging!

What a great afternoon we have had – we had an ICT lesson in which I was aiming for the children to get the opportunity to blog and comment using the class blog. I had already explained about their login details and made some small laminated cards that had this info on (I used a combination of Excel and Word/mail merge) and a small paragraph about how to add a post.

As a starter for the session we wrote some rules together as a class about writing on the blog – I did this straight into the class blog and posted it immmediately. As I was writing I was able to demonstrate and highlight what I was doing; I clearly modelled the editing stage as I read everything through very carefully and made any alterations – only then did I click on publish.

We read what I had written on the blog about our first post and checked we understood the task. The children then went to the suite and working in pairs created a post each and a comment.

I found a computer to use and as the children posted I checked and moderated as best I could before approving. I think that this will be an important stage to, in the future, to not worry too much about. I would prefer them to develop a strong habitual care for what they write. As a teaching point back in class when we reviewed our work – I commented that you may find some small spelling mistakes in the posts. I said that we have to understand the variety of people who may read our work – from parents to other headteachers and children in schools in a different country. So we have to be proud about what we create. We have to take care and check the accuracy of what we do.

If regular blogging has such an impact then it would be a major change in the writing behaviour of my children.