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During one of my workshops last year in Boston, Brad Ovenell-Carter (@braddo) put his visual notetaking skills to action. I took his lovely summary drawing and used ThingLink to add layers of information and elaboration.

In the future I am keen to share more about my experiences of design thinking with school leaders, teachers and other organisations in blog posts here. But I thought I would make a quick start by sharing this little graphic. I hope you find it useful and let me know if you have any questions.


  1. I love this example of visual notes which makes it so graphic. These are done so well by RSA Animate too. Looking forward to hearing you speak at Edutech next week, Tom. My school have embedded the Inquiry-based learning philosophy as our modus operandi pedagogy so Design Thinking sounds really interesting.

  2. Nice use of ThingLink, and a thought provoking Ted talk by Ewan McIntosh, but I was a little surprised that a language specialist (I think that is what he said) should choose Maths and Science tasks as examples of poor practice.

  3. Thanks for the introduction to ThingLink, Tom. My students and I are playing with it as part of our students-as-makers-of-their-own-textbooks experiments. Here’s a sample of student-made “textbook.” a mashup up of Twitter, Google Spreadsheets & script, Storify, sketch notes and ThinkLink. ThingLink is the packaging that holds it all together.

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