Both of these films meant something to me. They both show people leading, they both show people taking action – they are both very different and yet we can learn something from each.

Leadership can happen in many forms, it can occur in the smallest of actions as well as the more obvious ones. What did the films say to you about leadership?


  1. I suppose the purpose of the second film is that it shows us what not to do.
    We rely heavily on other members of staff in schools – seems Leeroy would
    have been more successful with his team mates alongside him.

    Another thing though is that sometimes we do have to just get on with it and
    act. I know Leeroy’s example doesn’t lead to success but in a way I like the
    fact he just gets on with it. He’s a doer but needs the other sorts of
    characters around him. This film reminds me of that.

  2. The first video is brilliant.
    Is your point with the second video…… I really have no clue what your point is with the second video. Though, I must say, I enjoyed it.

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