Next week in our literacy lessons we are going to utilising a piece of content referenced in the new UK Primary Strategy. It is a short film called The Piano by animator Aidan Gibbons, take a look.
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
It is intended to be used by Year 5 children but our Year 6 kids will not have the opportunity to use this great little bit of film so I have adapted the original planning for older kids as we continue our poetry work.

By the end of the week I hope that the children will have a narrative poem that illustrates what occurs in the film. Further work could be done with the children working in Movie Maker and adding their narrated poem on top of the film.

Please let me know if anyone would find the planning useful.


  1. Hi,

    This looks super – is it possible to get hold of the planning for this?



  2. Tom that is an amazing animation that truely catures life without words. I am going to use this as an example of how music and anmation can tell a story without talking then the older children an create their school life as an aimated movie. I know it is being used mainly as a Language lesson but since I now ony teach ICT i can see the potetial for children to explore an develop their animation and digital music skills.

  3. Hi Sue – help yourself to the planning. Take a look at the widget on the left and scroll to the bottom. There are two files named “Week 1 – The Piano – 4.6.07” one is a word document, my week’s literacy planning and the other is a SMART Notebook file.
    I hope you find it useful.

  4. I’d love to see the planning please. I love this video and think that Y5 and 6 children could easily make great use of it without treading on each other’s toes.

  5. I have already seen some Year 5 expressing some really emotional responses to this piece of film, I will ensure that I post about the reaction from my class.

  6. I hope you post about your children’s response to this video. It produces an emotional reponse in all the adults that I’ve discussed it with but I wonder whether children will “get it” without the need for a lot of prompts.

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