On a Friday our school has a celebration assembly that allows us to share the great things going on in school. It occured to me this week how important our role is in helping children find their specialism, the one thing in life that they are great at, that they enjoy and even have a passion for.

During these weekly assemblies we share children’s achievements in and out of the classroom. We see children who have received martial arts belts, horse trial trophies, football tournament medals and swimming badges. As well as a weekly award for two children from the classteacher, for different things  – for example, making a good start to the term or kindness to others.

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This week the children in Year 5 had been taking a course in First Aid training, they received a certificate and it was pointed out that some children had truly excelled, way beyond expectations. Perhaps they had found that one thing.

Later in the day we were lucky enough to listen to a small concert from some of the children taking violin, cello, piano and flute lessons. It may not be all of them, but some will have found that music is something they love, something they can excel at and be great at.

I believe this is all about providing children with opportunities. There will be those children who know their mind, who have a strong sense of what they enjoy and what they are good at. However we need to help all children develop this, by providing a curriculum that offers a breadth of life experiences (that some may never get at home).

I have enjoyed recognising particular strengths in the very youngest of our pupils in primary school and it is hugely important we nurture the fun and passion they connect with in life so that everyone knows, “What am I good at?”

Pic: Turn, Turn, Turn! from bichxa


  1. I just ran into your blog, and I love it! I just started a website called “TeacherThink” which challenges educators to innovate by providing how-tos, reviews, and a general place for teacher muse. You can find it @ http://www.TeacherThink.com. I am also on twitter @ TeacherThink.



  2. I am impressed that your school makes time every week to highlight individual student accomplishments for the whole student body. What a great way to provide ideas and inspiration for all of the students there! You mention that it is imperative that schools have a curriculum that provides students with all kinds of experiences and we have so many opportunities to do that with technology. Sometimes we as teachers get so bogged down in state standards and testing that we forget that good schools provide so much more for students than just the set curriculum. Thank you for writing an inspirational post! We all need a reminder that helping students discover talents/passions and helping them to develop these is very much an important role for teachers!

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